Several weeks ago, Hockey NL decided to cancel all 2021 HNL Provincials. It was noted HNL would allow Regions to have some competitions to end the year, provided all Covid-19 safety regulations were followed.
Part of the regulations is to ensure that all teams must be no bigger than 11 players and two goalies.
In recent TriPen meetings, all 8 Minor Hockey Associations noted they would love to be able to provide as many players as possible an opportunity to play some competitive hockey in accordance with safety guidelines.
CeeBees received a copy of the layout for such competitive formats shortly before Christmas.
The proposal has scheduled weekend tournaments which will be used to set the final rankings for the “TriPen Showdown” in April.
Due to several factors, the proposal starts with CeeBees Minor only having 2 teams per division. Yet CeeBees, like other Associations, have noted that everything possible will be done to secure games for our 3rd and possibly 4thdivisional teams.
To initiate the Rep team selections, CeeBees will be having tryouts start in the week of January 4-9, 2021.
Two teams per division will be selected. Yet from the tryouts, players will be ranked so that a 3rdand 4th team will be easily formed if CeeBees determine games are available for the teams.
Right now, CeeBees have confirmation for 2 teams per division for the “TriPen Showdown.” CeeBees 3rd and 4th divisional teams may get games within the Eastern Health Zone, but may not get to play in the Showdown.