Rep Teams

CeeBees Minor Hockey Rep Team rosters are below. For those U13 and U15 players not named to a team, please know that the executive has already been in contact with neighbouring associations and once their rep teams are finalized we will know more about their numbers and can then move forward with combining for the season.
For the U18 Rep 2 team, the rep 1 goalies have agreed to help out in the meantime and once neighbouring associations finalize their own goaltending situations, we are confident there will be a goalie for this team as well.
CeeBees Minor Hockey would like to thank everyone for trying out for a rep team!

U11 Rep 1

Anika Costa

Brody Deering

Brooke Baker

Brynley Dove

Charley Butt

Colton Snow

Ethan Omiachi

Hank Barnes

Jace Vasile

Julia Sullivan

Levi Barnes

Liam McPherson

Maddex Clarke

Mason Reynolds

Nathan Connors

Nick Rogers

William Holloway

U11 Rep 2

Adam Sullivan

Ben White

Brody Hiscock

Camden Legge-Oram

Carter Slade

Colin Royal

Gabriel Butt

Grayson Chipman

Isaiah Carter

James Davis

James Legge

Joey Mercer

Kole Clarke

Maci Drover

Mason Howell

Max Hiscock

Michael Wheeler

Reed Mercer

Troy Mercer

U13 Rep 1

Blake Baker

Brayden Squires

Declan Hookey

Jaxon Legge

John Farrell

Kael Yetman

Landon King

Lexie Dusablon

Liam Coombs

Lucas Drover

Lucas Lambert

Luke Rogers

Noah Wheadon

Owen Connors

Peter Clarke

Quinn Garland

Riley White

U15 Rep 1

Alex Norris

Anthony Piercey

Ben Bailey

Darcy Oates

Evan Johnson

John Dyke

Kaden Perry

Liam Evans

Luke Pike

Madison Menchions

Matthew Sullivan

Michael Abbott

Nicholas Barrett

Patrick Sullivan

Simon Fortune

Spencer Coish

Tyler Snow

U18 Rep 1

Alex Drover

Andrew Sullivan

Ben Preston

Brandon Butler

Brayden Sharpe

Connor Hiscock

Darcy Reynolds

Eric King

Evan Greeley

Evan Noonan

Gavin Dobbin

Hunter Williams

Josh Dyke

Morgan Slade

Nathan Bakogeorge

Noah French

Nolan Butt

Norah Burke

U18 Rep 2

Andrew King

Avery Hazen

Caden Hookey

Cayden Hargreaves

Cassie Adams

Chase Donovan

Cole Penney

Dalton Lynch

Dylan Hunt

Jayden Donovan

Logan King

Matthew Stone

Marissa Dusablon

Rory MacNeil

Ryan Davis

Sierra Hiscock

Tyson Squires