President’s Update – January 23rd

Hi all,

With hockey set to resume tomorrow, I’m sending this message hoping to clear up some confusion and answer some concerns surrounding our return.

Several concerns have been raised about mask wearing, especially from parents/guardians of our younger kids. I reached out to the branch and according to HNL officials, masks are strongly recommended to be worn at all times including on ice, however they ARE NOT in fact mandatory. Use your own discretion.

Another area of concern was the announcement that there were no parents allowed in the stadium due to capacity limits. We understand this is a valid concern especially with a lot of kids needing help with skates and equipment. So I’ve spoken with a stadium representative tonight and they’ve allowed us to have 1 PARENT/GUARDIAN per child attend practices. This “one parent allowed” is an honour system that shouldn’t be abused, because if we exceed the capacity limits, the stadium will have to make changes.

I hope this message helps us all in our return to hockey and remember to follow stadium guidelines as we navigate through this together.

Welcome back Ceebees.

Stay safe!!
