President’s Update – January 21, 2022

Hi all,

Just thought I’d give you all an update on the return to hockey memo that came out from HNL yesterday. Associations are permitted to return to hockey with very strict guidelines.

After a meeting last night with Ceebees Exec, it was decided:

Minor Hockey will resume on Monday, January 24th (please stay tuned for the schedule)

U7 and U9 groups will practice with the same groups as before Christmas.

U11 to U18 are going to use the Rep teams as the set practice groups. With that said, we understand that some players weren’t named to a Rep team earlier in the season. This only affects a couple of divisions. The players in U11 and U13 have been assigned to the Rep 2 teams for all practice sessions. Major Midget players in U18 have been assigned to Rep 1 for all practice sessions.

With regards to Female groups. They will practice in the following groups.

U7/U9/U11 will practice as a group.

U13/U15 will practice as a group.

Lastly the U18 Ceebees/ Teepees joint team are permitted to practice as a group.

If you notice your child’s name isn’t attached to any practice group please reach out to me and I’ll get them added.

As you are all aware, Covid is a very fluid and evolving virus that can force government to make changes in an instant. While we all agree that this return to hockey is anything but normal, at least it is a return. If and when anything gets changed we’ll keep you updated as best we can.

Here’s a breakdown of the HNL guidelines we must adhere to.

1. The maximum permitted on the ice at any time is 25 including players and coaches.
2. Masks (buffs recommended for on ice) are to be worn at all times while on the ice.
3. Skills/ Drills only. No battle drills.
4. Physical distancing to be maintained at all times.

Additional measures from the stadium include:

1. Separate entrance and exit doors.

2. The stadium is maxed at 50 people including staff. I spoke with Aiden Hibbs (stadium manager) and he said due to the fact that there’s going to be approx 20-25 on the ice each hour, plus stadium staff, and people using the track, no parents are permitted inside the stadium until government lifts the 50 max restriction.

3. Players are to only use designated dressing rooms.

4. Enter no earlier than 15 minutes before practice. Exit ASAP after practice.

That’s all for now.
