Hi CeeBees,
It’s that time of year again when we lace up our skates and rejoin our Ceebees family. With the last two seasons being dictated by Covid-19, we have our fingers crossed that this year will be back to normal. There are some new policies that HNL have introduced to their members, one of which will affect our coaches and volunteers. Under the new policy, ALL coaches and volunteers need to get an updated Code of Conduct and Vulnerable Sector Check into the HNL office before they can go on ice or in dressing rooms. Each coach also needs to fill out the HNL screening app and send to the office as well. These documents are mandatory and need to be filed asap so we can all get back to coaching and volunteering with our association. If you are unsure about if your COC, VSC and screening app is outdated, contact Shawn Dobbin our Coaching / Allstar Director.
Rep tryouts will begin on October 3rd, so please get your child registered before tryouts start. Also coaches/volunteers you need to get your coaching app into Shawn ASAP. Last year we invited all divisional coaches to help in the evaluation process, we will continue that this year, so please get your coaching apps in so we don’t overlook anyone becoming an evaluator. HNL also introduced a Junior Coaching Program, I will explain the particulars of this program when we have a coaches meeting. We had a coaches meeting Sunday, Sept 25th but only a couple of coaches showed, so we’ll plan another coaches meeting this Wednesday, September 28th at 6pm at the DCHGCC. Please make every effort to attend!
We are also planning to offer an orientation for any parents or guardians that are new CeeBees, or anyone that is moving to Rep and have questions. This orientation will be 6:45 pm, right after the coaches meeting on Wednesday, September 28th. Please spread the word so everyone gets a chance to attend. The meeting will give anyone a chance to ask questions and receive info on how things work in the association. Also, the first 2 weeks of minor hockey was referred to as a “sweat camp” and will not count towards your yearly allotment of hours.
Again, I’d like to welcome everyone back and welcome new families on board to a new season of CeeBees Minor Hockey.
Take care!