In an effort to help families with the cost to travelling to provincial tournaments this year, CBMHA have organized a collective association based fundraiser for families to avail of. The amount of tickets issued to each player will be relative to the location of their provincial tournament. The ticket price is $10 per ticket and $1 from each sale will go towards the prize payout. The remaining $9 will go directly to the players tournament. There are 6000 tickets printed with a payout of (five -$1000 daily draws over the Easter week).
Teams travelling to Eastern or Tripen Zone will be allocated approx 20 tickets per player.
Teams travelling to Central Zone will be allocated approx 40 tickets per player.
Teams travelling to Western or Northern Zone will be allocated approx 60 tickets per player.
Once our fundraising coordinator sees how many players are interested in the fundraiser, more tickets may become available to the players.
Please note that this will be to only fundraiser approved for this purpose.