The 2020-2021 Minor Hockey Season will start on Monday, October 5th!
As part of the RTP plan, CeeBees Minor hockey must hold parent meetings to discuss the Covid plan.
The following is the date and time for respective divisions.
Monday, September 28th
7:00 pm – Pre-Novice
7:45 pm – Novice
8:15 pm – Atom
Tuesday, September 29th
7:00 pm Pee Wee
7:35 pm Bantam
8:10 pm Midget
8:45 pm Female
1. All parents must attend their respective time in order for their child to participate on ice. We ask that only one parent / guardian attend due to space restrictions.
2. A parent can only attend a time outside their division if spaces permit.
3. Parents will only be allowed inside the stadium for their meeting, not in advance and they must leave directly after.
4. Hand sanitizers must be used upon entry to the stadium.
5. Maintain social distancing at all time.
6. Players need to register 1 week in advance to go on ice for sessions.
7. Masks must be worn at all times.