House League Changes
We have implemented some changes to the house league program this year that we thought would give it a fresh start. House league will further develop our players’ skills, and we want all children to get the most out of the practices, which are inclusive of all children in the divisions.
Firstly, we have lowered the number of hours and therefore the cost of house league to encourage more children to join. We have added more hours to the rep teams for children who are playing competitive hockey and require a certain level of development. We plan to do a combo camp for at least half of the practices which will consist of power skating, station work, small area games, battle drills, some fun games and we have had preliminary conversations with Whitbourne and Placentia on exhibition games as well. We will also play some inter-squad games whereby teams will be split evenly by the coaches.
For the house league program, we encourage as many parents as possible to volunteer and help us with the station drills. You do not have to be a great skater to help, we just need help as the more adults we have on the ice the better we can run the practices. With smaller groups we get more reps, more puck touches and more development!
We will be looking for Junior Coaches (U13+) to help with our House League, power skating and female development programs. If your child is interested, they can complete the CBMHA Application for Elite Jr Coaching Program found on our CeeBees website.
Should you have any suggestions, questions or concerns please do not hesitate to let us know.
Mark Reynolds
House League Director
On Behalf of the Cee Bees Minor Executive