Female AAA/AA Registration

Female U13/U15/U18 AAA/AA Registration

Player registration is now open for the 2023-24 season for Female U13/U15/U18 AAA/AA.

Please be advised that players must register at this time and complete the tryout process in order to be eligible for AAA/AA.

Registration will close Labor Day, September 4th at 9:00 pm.

No late registrations will be accepted.

Please CLICK HERE to register.

For questions regarding tryouts please contact the following:

U13 AAA/AA – Sara Taylor staylor@hockeynl.ca

U15 AAA/AA – Ian Flynn iflynn@hockeynl.ca

U18 AAA/AA – Heidi Hefford hhefford@hockeynl.ca

Thank You!

Hockey NL

P.O. Box 176

32 Queensway

Grand Falls-Windsor, NL

A2A 2J4

Tel:  709-489-5512

Fax:  709-489-2273

Email:  thobbs@hockeynl.ca