Thanks to everyone who came to the AGM and Election of Officers last evening. We are looking forward to an Awesome season of hockey!
Successful candidates were as follows:
President – Brian Donovan
Female Director – John Drover
Registrar – David Kennedy
Referee Director – Dean Whelan
All Star / Coaching Director – Brendan Chafe
Vice President – Shannon Dyke
Secretary – Gary Barrett
Treasurer (appointed) – Rob Button
Schedule Director – Steven Greeley
Fundraising Director – Wendy Haynes
– Members of the Executive shall be elected for two (2) year terms. In the event that a position becomes available on the Executive, a by-election will be held and a replacement will be put in the vacant position for the remainder of the term.
10.12A – President – shall preside at all meetings of the Association and shall be responsible for the overall operation of CBMHA. He/She shall have a vote and a casting vote in case of a tie. The President shall prepare the Annual Report of the Association. The President shall draft the Annual Budget with the Treasurer.
10.12B – Vice President – shall, in the absence of the President, have all the powers and perform all the duties of the President. The Vice-President Chairs the Complaints and Discipline Committee.
– organize and develop the house league program and the dispersal of house jerseys. Oversee anything and everything associated with the house program (Bud Cup)
10.12C – Secretary – shall record the proceedings of each meeting and ensure members have had the opportunity to read or hear these minutes read at the following meetings; assist the President in preparing the agenda for each meeting, attend to all correspondence and maintain all letters, documents, etc in a permanent file, send out notices of all meetings.
– shall inform media (public and social including use of the inter-net) of other announcements related to Ceebees Minor Hockey. This per-son shall also maintain the Associations web site and ensure all in-formation is relevant and current. The secretary will also be respon-sible for sending messages out to the members of the Association. This person shall also maintain hockey displays inside the stadium as well as oversee any appearance made by members of the Association.
10.12D – Treasurer – shall take charge of all monies belonging to the Association and on the recommendation of the Association pay out money by cheque which have been signed by the Treasurer and the President, obtain and or issue receipts, present financial statements at regular meetings and render a yearly report, collect registration fees, tour-nament fees, fundraising fees, make deposits and maintain current ac-counts.
10.12E – Registrar – responsible for ensuring that all players, coaches and volunteers are registered in proper divisions and also registered with the HNL within the specific time allowances, setting times and dates for registrations.
10.12G – Female Representative – shall promote female participation in minor hockey, encourage and assist in development of female minor hockey with the Ceebees MHA.
10.12H – Fundraising Director – oversee and promote fundraising ideas that are approved by the executive and benefit the association
10.12I – Coaching / All Star Director -This person shall coordinate the selection of all coaches in all divisions.
– They shall be responsible for establishing criteria/credentials to be included in coaching applications
– the development of the application as well as the posting of the applications so that members of the public can view the applica-tion in a timely manner.
– This person shall be responsible for the collection and review of coaching applications as well and along with an appointed committee must oversee the selection of coaches for each division.
– This person shall be responsible for ensuring that all coaches in each division have completed the required coaching courses prior to provincial tournaments. In the event that coaches have not completed such courses the director will make arrangements for such courses to be completed in a timely manner.
– This person will also act as a liaison between coaches and the members of the executive to ensure that concerns of coaches are voiced in a timely manner and that responses are subsequently shared with coaches.
-This person will arrange no fewer than 2 coaching meetings throughout the season to discuss such topics as;
– encouraging them to foster a positive dressing room at-mosphere for all players especially those of a young age,
– reminding coaches to use appropriate language when speak-ing with players
– reminding coaches to be aware of bullying in the dressing rooms and to take such matters seriously when such incidents are re-ported to them and how best to deal with upset parents and the 24 hour rule
– how to ensure that all players have a positive experi-ence on their teams
– how best to work with players of the opposite sex
Chair the Rep committee with regards of team selection process.
10.12J – Scheduling Director – prepare weekly schedules and draw up tournament schedule and update the executive regularly on the usage of allotted hours.
10.12M – Referee Director – This person is responsible to the Execu-tive for coordinating and developing all officials within the CBMHA. Wherever possible, the Referee Director should be a member of the Ref-erees Association of Hockey NL. He or she shall;
– Act as the CBMHA liaison with the Hockey NL Referee in Chief.
– Assumes responsibility to provide referees and minor offi-cials.
– Shall notify all officials of upcoming clinics and courses.
– Implement recruitment program to bring in new officials.
– Submit time sheets to the treasurer for hours worked by offi-cials.
– Ensure officials room is kept in an orderly fashion.
– Ensure ample supply of game sheets, and other required materi-als for officials is on hand.
– Ensure all officials are aware of policy/rule changes
– Implement a monitoring program to ensure that new officials are peered with senior officials to help them become more con-fident officials.
– Act as a liaison between the officials and the Executive.